At TopBookies, accessible from, privacy is our primary concern. Our Privacy Policy contains information which is gathered by TopBookies and how is it used.
If there is something that we have missed on this page and you have a query, don’t hesitate to contact us via our email (TopBookies) uses log files in a standard format. The data that is being collected by the log files has IP address, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date and time stamp, referring/exit pages, and the total number of clicks. All of this is not related to any kind of information that is too personal. The purpose of collecting this information is only to analyze trends, administer the official website, track the visitors’ movements and collect their demographic information.
TopBookies uses cookies which store information having visitor’s preferences. We store the data related to the pages the visitors have visited. We don’t misuse this information rather it is used to enhance the user experience by personalizing web page content on visitors browser type and/or other information.
The third-party ad servers use cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons. They are utilized in their advertisements and links that appear on our official website. This is then sent directly to the user's browser. The IP address is then received. This is a reliable technology that measures the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. With this, it customizes the ad campaign that you view on the website whenever you visit it.
Note: We have no control over the cookies that are being used by third-party advertisers.
This Privacy Policy doesn’t apply to other advertisers or websites. Therefore we recommend you consult a third-party privacy policy ad server for in-depth data. This includes step-by-step instructions on how to choose certain options.
Whenever you feel uncomfortable, without a second thought you can disable cookies via your individual browser options.
We are very particular when it comes to the protection of children as they access the internet. We want parents and guardians to take care of their children as they access the internet.
We don’t collect personal information from children who are below 13 years. If you find your child accessing our website and providing personal information, we want you to contact us immediately. We will then put in our best efforts to immediately remove such information.
This specific Privacy Policy is applicable only to online users. It is valid for the ones that share our information or collects it. This respective policy isn’t applicable to any information that may be gathered offline or with the help of channels and not a website.
When you are accessing our website, you hereby abide by our Privacy Policy and agree to the Terms & Conditions.